Dr. Clay Libolt

Is the Bible is Dead…and have we killed it

February 25 | 6:30 - 9:00 p.m.

Jansen Arts Center | Lynden, WA

Is the Bible Dead…and have we killed it

Love him or hate him, Jordan Peterson reawakened a secular interest in the Bible in 2017 with his Genesis Lecture series held at the Isabel Bader Theatre in Toronto, Canada. Join Dr. Clay Libolt to continue the conversation around this sacred and polarizing ancient text at the Jansen Arts Center in Lynden, WA, as he unearths why the Bible has become so irrelevant and what the Ancient Church knew that we have forgotten. 

According to Dr. Libolt, we often approach the Bible looking for clear answers, easy instructions, or a book that mirrors our own perspective. But what if the Bible is not what we expect? What if the Bible exceeds those expectations? What if it’s not a “how-to” book, but an invitation—one to participate in a centuries-long dialogue about who we are, who God is, and what truly matters?

At this inaugural event for the Institute for Christian Spirituality, Dr. Clay Libolt will challenge the ways we’ve been taught to read the Bible and invite us into a fresh (yet ancient) way of engaging Scripture.

Whether you’re a lifelong reader of the Bible, a spiritual seeker, or just curious about its enduring impact on the human species, this lecture and dialogue will leave you with thought-provoking insights, a deeper appreciation for the art of interpretation, and why this ancient text may still be alive. 



Cultivating an Awareness of God in All Things for the Purpose of Imitating Christ in the Reconciliation of All Things.